Online Survey Programming


Online Survey Programming

Online survey programming refers to the process of creating, designing, and implementing surveys that can be administered and completed over the internet. At NSMX, we design, program and host varied online research studies using a range of recognised online survey tools. We offer custom branding and can handle complex question and routing logic as well as interactive questions, images, audio and visual elements. Online survey programming can be done using various online survey platforms, software, and tools.

We specialize in creating many complex surveys–

  • Multiple choice, scales, matrix, ranking, open, closed
  • Complex skip, piping and branching
  • Complicated Quotas
  • Multi Language Surveys
  • Drag & drop interfaces for rating scales
  • Embedding Flash tools

NSMX is continually evolving and improving survey design techniques that help make surveys more engaging, accessible and enjoyable. Our aim is to make each respondent feel that they must not participate in a survey just for the rewards but more importantly for the valuable experience.

Technologies We Use

Our creative and experienced team of engineers is proficient in using many survey programming tools, including –

  • Decipher (Beacon)


  • NetMR

  • LUMI

  • Sawtooth

Programming languages employed – MS SQL, ASP, Java, VB Script, DHTML, and Front Page.

Key steps and considerations involved in online survey programming-

  • Define Your Survey Objectives
    Clearly define the purpose of your survey and the information you want to gather. This will guide the survey design and question selection.

  • Choose a Survey Platform
    Select an online survey platform or software that suits your needs. Popular options include SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, Typeform, Qualtrics, and SurveyGizmo. Make sure it offers the features you require, such as question types, branching logic, and customization options.

  • Design Your Survey
    Create the survey questions, format, and layout.

    While creating survey question consider the following-

    • Question Types
      Decide on the types of questions you'll use, such as multiple-choice, open-ended, Likert scale, or matrix questions.

    • Question Sequence
      Organize the questions logically to ensure a smooth flow for respondents.

    • Branching Logic
      Use branching or skip logic to show different questions based on respondents' previous answers.

  • Testing
    Before launching your survey, thoroughly test it to ensure there are no technical issues or confusing questions. Test on different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility.

  • Data Validation
    Implement data validation rules to prevent invalid or incomplete responses. For example, you can set up required fields, limits on answer lengths, or specific answer formats (e.g., email validation).

  • Appearance and Branding
    Customize the survey's appearance to match your branding and make it visually appealing. This can include adding your logo, choosing color schemes, and adjusting fonts.

  • Distribution
    Decide how you'll distribute the survey. You can share it via email, social media, a website, or through other online channels. Some survey platforms offer built-in distribution options.

  • Data Collection
    As respondents complete the survey, their responses are collected and stored by the survey platform. You can monitor responses in real-time and download the data for analysis.

  • Data Analysis
    After data collection, analyze the survey results to draw meaningful insights. Many survey platforms provide basic analysis tools, but you can also export the data to more advanced data analysis software if needed.

  • Reporting
    Create reports or presentations to share the survey findings with stakeholders. Visualization tools can help you present the data effectively.

  • Privacy and Security
    Ensure that you comply with data privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) and protect respondents' data. Survey platforms often provide data security features.

  • Follow-Up
    Consider sending follow-up emails or reminders to improve response rates, if applicable.