Quality Assurance & Testing


Quality Assurance & Testing

Quality is top of mind at NSMX before data collection even starts. As the pioneer & expert of online research, we’re dedicated to the continuous quality amelioration via various process evolution and technological developments. Quality Testing & Assurance is a critical process in market research industry to ensure that survey, services, or processes meet specified quality standards and deliver a positive user experience.

The quality of a survey is of prime importance for accurate, reliable and valid results. Survey teams should implement systematic quality assurance procedures to prevent unacceptable practices and to minimize errors in data collection. Establishment of effective and efficient strategies towards improvement of the quality of a survey will help achieve the timely collection of high quality data and the validity of the results. “Quality Assurance and Testing” may also be viewed as an organizing tool for implementation with pre-defined operational standards regarding the structure, process and outcome of the survey. Survey teams should adhere to explicit standards of quality and follow prescribed procedures to achieve such standards. The procedures should be transparent, systematically monitored and carefully reported as part of the general documentation of the survey implementation and results. It is also important that the survey be measured and summarized by quantifiable indicators, to the extent practicable.

Survey Quality Assurance and Testing is an integral part of online market research survey. Without the Survey Quality Assurance and Testing activities, a survey may lead to catastrophic consequences. However, there are many challenges in performing Survey Quality Assurance and Testing activities. The goal of this process was to identify the cons of the survey.A quality assurance system is meant to increase customer confidence and a company's credibility, while also improving work processes and efficiency, and it enables a company to better compete with others.It involves systematic and thorough evaluation, verification, and validation to identify and correct defects, errors, or inconsistencies.Effective Quality Testing and Assurance is essential for surveys and services, reducing defects and rework costs, and building trust with customers and stakeholders. It is a systematic and ongoing process that helps organizations meet their quality objectives and achieve success in a competitive marketplace.


steps to successfully testing an online survey include

  • Check that all questions have been included
  • Confirm the proper flow of the survey
  • Check that all question formats are correct
  • Ensure disqualification questions are routed correctly
  • Ensure all routing is working as intended
  • Re-check for spelling and grammatical errors
  • Check formatting
  • Review the disqualification message
  • Add the survey thank you page
  • Survey programmer testing
  • Ask others to test