IT Services


Custom IT Service

NSMX’s custom research services provides clients with the unique information on their business scenario which is indispensable to stay ahead of fierce biz competition. Our tailor-made, gamut of research solutions cater to every business requirement. These range from ad-hoc research requests, niche information needs to simple data collation through secondary and primary research. We offer these services via flexible engagement models. Be it quick market scan, country reports, in-depth market analysis, competition monitoring, consumer research and satisfaction studies, supplier research, growth planning, and more; with our dedicated team of over 200 research analysts and consultants, no custom research request is too big or too complex to undertake.

Custom IT services refer to specialized information technology (IT) solutions and services that are tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of a client or organization. These services are designed to address unique challenges, support business objectives, and provide a competitive advantage. Custom IT services can encompass a wide range of offerings, including software development, system integration, consulting, and support.Custom IT services offer organizations the flexibility to align their technology investments with their strategic goals and unique challenges. By tailoring IT solutions to specific needs, businesses can improve efficiency, competitiveness, and overall performance.


IT Services -

  • Software Development
    We customized software development involves designing, coding, and testing software applications or systems that are customized to the client's precise requirements, which include custom web applications, mobile apps, enterprise software solutions, and database management systems.

  • System Integration
    Our system integration services focus on integrating disparate IT systems, software applications, and databases to ensure they work seamlessly together.

    This can involve integrating legacy systems with modern solutions, connecting cloud-based and on-premises systems, or creating custom APIs to facilitate data exchange

  • Consulting and Advisory
    NSMX IT consulting services provide expert guidance and recommendations to help organizations make informed technology-related decisions.

    Consultants may assist with technology strategy, architecture design, security assessments, and IT project management.

  • Infrastructure Solutions
    Custom IT services can include the design and deployment of tailored infrastructure solutions, such as data centers, network configurations, and cloud infrastructure.

    These services ensure that the organization's IT infrastructure meets its unique performance, scalability, and security requirements.

  • Security Services
    Our Custom security services focus on assessing an organization's specific security needs and implementing customized security measures.

    This may include penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and the development of security policies and procedures.

  • Support and Maintenance
    Our ongoing support and maintenance services can be customized to meet an organization's specific IT needs.

    This includes technical support, system monitoring, and software updates tailored to the client's environment.

  • Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
    Our custom data analytics and business intelligence solutions help organizations derive actionable insights from their data.

    This can involve developing custom dashboards, data models, and reporting tools.

  • E-commerce Solutions
    E-commerce businesses often require custom IT solutions for their online storefronts, payment processing, inventory management, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

  • IoT (Internet of Things) Solutions
    Organizations looking to harness IoT data for monitoring, automation, or analytics may require custom solutions for device integration, data processing, and IoT platform development.

  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
    Custom CMS development allows organizations to create and manage content in a way that aligns with their unique content and workflow requirements.

  • ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Solutions
    ERP systems can be customized to integrate core business processes, including finance, HR, inventory management, and supply chain management, tailored to specific industry needs.

  • Education and Training
    Custom IT services can include training and education programs designed to help employees or clients understand and effectively use custom technology solutions.